GOFreeCredit.com - New Experience



A New Experience

GOFreeCredit.com helps users obtain a free credit score and manage their credit reports through TransUnion’s subscription service. The existing hosted flow started as a responsive site and when I arrived, we worked to evolve it’s usability on mobile devices as we saw the number of mobile users grow.

With roughly 80% of users now on mobile, we decided to re-evaluate our approach to the user flow and take more of a mobile-first approach.


Key Stats

20% increase in CTR and 17.87% increase in revenue over 12 months

Design Director, Design Lead

Product Team
Product Manager, Technical Lead, Front-end Developer, Analytics, Designer


In partnership with Google, we analyzed our existing flow and asserted that we could increase conversion by 20% through a mobile-first approach.

Our team attended Google’s Design Sprint and during their sketch and prototype exercise, we developed a proposal to test and move forward with, as an alternative to our existing flow.



Some of the key suggestions that arose from our initial review were:

  • Promote trust

  • Show that the site is secure

  • Clarify why specific information is needed

  • Ensure pages load quickly

  • Show a clear benefit oriented value proposition above the fold

  • Display value proposition at each stage of the funnel

  • Show visual progress to guide the user

  • Use descriptive call to actions

  • Reduce the number of fields

  • Use inline validation

  • Be conversational




Leverage our initial findings and the feedback received during our Design Sprint exercise, along with our own data and create an entirely new experience that we could validate with user tests. Some of the adjustments made:

  • Mobile-first design

  • Clear marketing message and value proposition

  • Clearly labeled next steps

  • Inline validation

  • Clear progress bar

  • Less intimidating screens by breaking up the form into multiple pages

  • Impression of trust and security

  • Friendlier language and imagery

  • Address auto-complete


User Testing

We tested our existing flow against the new challenger. We compared perceptions of trust and security, as well as overall preference and ease of use. While we uncovered even more areas of improvement, we did find that there was preference for the challenger.

“The existing site did not have steps outlined as clearly, especially the payment information…Unlike the new version that outlines the payment information more clearly. I’m sure people would appreciate this site more."



The main goal of the user tests was to determine an overall preference. Old vs. New. While we were able to determine a winner, we discovered additional findings that allowed us to iterate even more. The feedback told us that the new flow was too long and that there were instances of click fatigue. We took this information and continued to evolve the flow in order to avoid frustration.



This is currently in the build stages.

The amount of increase in conversions required to break even in one year is 1.75% (3.86% to 3.92%).
If CTR increases 20%, gross revenue increases $7.9M, gross profit increases $1.9M and ROI is 1,046% in one year.


* project handed to design lead to complete final wireframing and final design